• drc.ritika88@gmail.com
  • +91-9711 338 998

Foreign Body Aspiration

Foreign body aspiration when an object is accidentally inhaled into the airways. It occurs very commonly in children less...

Why inhalers over nebulizers?

The best treatment option for childhood asthma, which is presently not very uncommon in India, is to give inhaled...

Vaping: Is it really the new “cool” thing?

The use of e-cigarettes or other ‘vaping’ devices has become the new fashionable habit not only amongst adults but...

Skin Prick Test – What to Expect

Allergy test can be really beneficial in children with allergic manifestations. Skin prick test is a type of allergy...

Causes of STRIDOR in babies

Stridor is a loud high-pitched sound that is produced while breathing when a baby tries to breathe through a...

Breastfeeding a baby with CMPA? – What can you eat

Cow’s milk protein allergy (CMPA) is one of the most common food allergies that affects infants. Infants present with...

Allergy tests

Allergy tests are done to find specific allergens that your child could be allergic to. These tests can detect...

Cow’s milk Protein Allergy

Food allergies are not uncommon even in Indian children, however they are not commonly diagnosed since the symptoms of...

Keep your Allergies in Control

Allergic diseases are particularly rampant in urban cities and affect children as much as adults. It is important to...