• drc.ritika88@gmail.com
  • +91-9711 338 998

Good Feeding Practices for Toddlers

“People who love to eat are always the best people.” This is what pioneer French-American chef Julia Child believed...

Allergic Rhinitis: Sneezing and Runny nose bothering you?

Nose is the gateway to the respiratory tract and any inflammation of the membranes lining the nose is termed...

PRESCHOOL WHEEZERS – When to suspect asthma in your child?

Childhood Asthma is on the rise in the city and the beginning of this condition is reported as early...

Pollution in Delhi and its Health implications in Children

With the increasing pollution in Delhi, we are witnessing an increase in respiratory allergic diseases in children in Pediatric...

The truth about TUBERCULOSIS

Tuberculosis is a type of infection that mainly affects the lungs causing pneumonia. It affects other body systems also...

World Pneumonia week awareness- pneumonia in children

प्नेमोनीय की बीमारी इंडिया में ५ साल से छोटे बच्चों की मौत का एक प्रमुख कारण है। फेफड़ों के...

Myths About Asthma – Busted!

Do you often wonder why your child has cough every month? Are you tired of giving medications and nebulisations...