• drc.ritika88@gmail.com
  • +91-9711 338 998

Chronic lung Disease in Children

Long-term respiratory problems in babies who are born premature are generally termed as chronic lung diseases. It is also known as bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD).

What is the cause of chronic lung disease?

Premature babies have fragile lungs that are more susceptible to injuries. They are under-developed and are incapable of functioning properly in any kind of stress. This can be an infection in the neonatal period, surfactant deficiency, prolonged oxygen use or mechanical ventilation, heart disease, pulmonary interstitial emphysema, extreme prematurity (<30weeks or birth weight <1000grams).

These problems lead to lung injury and inflammation, which in turn causes lung scarring. These babies have respiratory distress at birth and need of continued mechanical ventilation or oxygen support.

How is chronic lung disease diagnosed?

It is ofte diagnosed when a baby requires oxygen support for more than 28 days of life. Chest X-rays start showing some changes suggestive of BPD after prolonged oxygen use such as haziness and intermittent areas of bubbles.

What is the treatment of Chronic lung disease?

  • Oxygen support
  • Mechanical ventilation
  • Surfactant replacement in cases where surfactant is low
  • Medications such as
    • Brochodilators inhaled (to open up the airways)
    • Steroids (to help reduce inflammation)
    • Diuretics (to help reduce lung fluid)
    • Antibiotics in case of an infection
  • Maintenance of hydration and nutrition while in NICU is of utmost importance.
  • Nutrition is important to allow baby and his lungs to grow
  • Immunisation with all vaccines including the optional vaccines is a must.