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Treatment of Asthma in Childhood

Asthma is an allergic condition affecting the lungs. It is as common in children as it is in adults. Repeated coughing, night time cough, wheezing, fast breathing or breathing difficulty are some of the common symptoms of asthma. These symptoms can not only affect a child’s health but also quality of life as it interferes with daily routine activities.

Treatment of asthma involves a two-pronged approach.

Rescuer treatment or Reliever treatment- This treatment aims at relieving the acute symptoms of asthma like cough, wheezing and breathlessness during an asthma attack. Inhaled bronchodilators (medicines that relieve the narrowing of the airway) and anti-inflammatory medicines (reduce the swelling in the airway) help in reducing acute cough and shortness of breath. These medicines have a short-term effect on the affected airways and only work to relive the patient of acute symptoms.

Controller treatment or Preventer treatment- This treatment plan is the mainstay of asthma control. These medicines help control the hyperreactivity of the airway, chronic inflammation and relieve narrowing of the airway.

Controller medicines need to be taken regularly for long duration even in the absence of symptoms to have maximum effect.

Inhaled corticosteroid is the drug of choice for treatment as it works on reducing the long-standing inflammation in the airways, thus preventing asthma attacks.
Long acting bronchodilators (LABAs) are also very effective in preventing the airways from narrowing down as a result of allergen exposure.

As per the international guidelines laid down by European Respiratory Society and Global Initiative of Asthma, combination of inhaled corticosteroids and LABA is the single most effective medical treatment for preventing asthma attacks and improving quality of life of asthma patients.

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