• drc.ritika88@gmail.com
  • +91-9711 338 998

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What to do if your child is exposed to Tuberculosis?

What to do if your child is exposed to Tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis is a droplet infection caused by a bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. IT spreads by inhaling droplets...

Foreign Body Aspiration

Foreign Body Aspiration

Foreign body aspiration when an object is accidentally inhaled into the airways. It occurs very commonly in...

Why inhalers over nebulizers?

The best treatment option for childhood asthma, which is presently not very uncommon in India, is to...

Vaping: Is it really the new “cool” thing?

The use of e-cigarettes or other ‘vaping’ devices has become the new fashionable habit not only amongst...

Skin Prick Test – What to Expect

Allergy test can be really beneficial in children with allergic manifestations. Skin prick test is a type...

Causes of STRIDOR in babies

Stridor is a loud high-pitched sound that is produced while breathing when a baby tries to breathe...

Breastfeeding a baby with CMPA? – What can you eat

Breastfeeding a baby with CMPA? – What can you eat

Cow’s milk protein allergy (CMPA) is one of the most common food allergies that affects infants. Infants...

Allergy tests

Allergy tests are done to find specific allergens that your child could be allergic to. These tests...

Cow’s milk Protein Allergy

Food allergies are not uncommon even in Indian children, however they are not commonly diagnosed since the...

Keep your Allergies in Control

Allergic diseases are particularly rampant in urban cities and affect children as much as adults. It is...

Laryngomalacia: When do we really need to Investigate?

Laryngomalacia: When do we really need to Investigate?

A newborn baby develops noisy breathing on day 3 of life, more prominent when the baby is...

Tuberculosis in Children: Completely Treatable

Tuberculosis in Children: Completely Treatable

Tuberculosis is a disease caused by a bacteria, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, that mainly affects the lungs but can...

Treatment of Asthma in Childhood

Treatment of Asthma in Childhood

Asthma is an allergic condition affecting the lungs. It is as common in children as it is...

Are Intranasal steroid sprays safe?

Nasal spray

Intranasal steroid sprays are used for children with repeated or persistent nasal blockage as a result of...

What is a sleep study?

What is a sleep study?

Sleep study is a test performed in children or adults with suspected breathing problems in sleep (sleep...

Is Snoring normal in Children?

Snoring is a harsh, loud noise produced from the nose or mouth in sleep due to partial...

When the cough does not improve

A 5 years old child had been coughing since last 3 months and the parents had tried...

IAP Parental guideline for Child with Recurrent cough

Cough is a common symptoms in children and it can have numerous causes. Some children have recurrent...

Foreign Body Aspiration is Real

Toddlers must not be given hard nuts and toys with small parts as these can be swallowed...

Raising a child with CMPA

Raising a child with cmpa

Yes, my son has Cow’s milk Protein Allergy. .I diagnosed him when he was 4 months old....

Guide to Successful Weaning for Indian Babies

Weaning is the process of introducing solid foods to an infant, gradually in a stepwise manner. It...

Good Feeding Practices for Toddlers

“People who love to eat are always the best people.” This is what pioneer French-American chef Julia...

Allergic Rhinitis: Sneezing and Runny nose bothering you?

Nose is the gateway to the respiratory tract and any inflammation of the membranes lining the nose...

PRESCHOOL WHEEZERS – When to suspect asthma in your child?

Childhood Asthma is on the rise in the city and the beginning of this condition is reported...

Pollution in Delhi and its Health implications in Children

With the increasing pollution in Delhi, we are witnessing an increase in respiratory allergic diseases in children...

The truth about TUBERCULOSIS

Tuberculosis is a type of infection that mainly affects the lungs causing pneumonia. It affects other body...

World Pneumonia week awareness- pneumonia in children

प्नेमोनीय की बीमारी इंडिया में ५ साल से छोटे बच्चों की मौत का एक प्रमुख कारण है।...

Myths About Asthma – Busted!


Do you often wonder why your child has cough every month? Are you tired of giving medications...