Role of Lung function testing in Asthma

Lung function testing comprise of a group of tests that are performed using different breathing maneuvers and various different lung parameters are measured by special machines. These are specialised tests that give an estimate of lung capacity, status of the breathing airways and respiratory muscle strength. Lung function tests that are used for diagnosis and […]
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Facts About Asthma

Asthma is a serious respiratory problem that nearly affects 3.4% of the world population. As per the Global Burden of Disease Study in 2019, 216 million people in the world suffer from asthma. The burden of asthma is not only on an individual but also on the community. It poses a huge physical, mental burden on […]
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What to do if your child is exposed to Tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis is a droplet infection caused by a bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. IT spreads by inhaling droplets produced by an infected person when he/she coughs and releases bacteria in small droplets in the air. This is also called an aerosol infection Tuberculosis is spread by aerosol or droplet infection Identifying close contacts of a person […]
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Foreign Body Aspiration

Foreign body aspiration when an object is accidentally inhaled into the airways. It occurs very commonly in children less than 4 years olds. Since toddlers explore everything by putting it in their mouths, they tend to jump and run with food in their mouths and their airways protective mechanisms are not very well developed, they […]
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Why inhalers over nebulizers?

The best treatment option for childhood asthma, which is presently not very uncommon in India, is to give inhaled corticosteroids as controller or preventer therapy. International Respiratory societies and working groups have recommended the use of inhaled steroids to achieve asthma control and improve quality of life (QoL) of these children over many years now. […]
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Vaping: Is it really the new “cool” thing?

The use of e-cigarettes or other ‘vaping’ devices has become the new fashionable habit not only amongst adults but also teens and young adults. Vaping is extremely rampant globally and in the United States of America,1 in 4 high school students and 1 in 25 middle school students were found to have used a vaping […]
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