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Breathing Easy, Growing Healthy.

Expert care for little lungs

Children are not tiny adults. They need special care and nurturing for better growth and development right from the beginning

Recurrent or Persistent Pneumonia

Infection of one or both lungs is called pneumonia or chest infections, in simple terms. This infection can be caused…


Allergies of the lungs is called asthma. It is an obstructive airway disease in which the airways are hyper-reactive to…


The World Health Organization has declared India to be a high-risk endemic country for tuberculosis (TB). Tuberculosis....

Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic condition that primarily involves the respiratory system causing recurrent pneumonia...

Aspiration Pneunonia

Aspiration pneumonia occurs when food, saliva, liquids, or vomit is breathed into the lungs or airways leading to the lungs,…

Airway Obstruction or Stridor

As we breathe, air enters the respiratory tract from the nose and traverses through the nasal passages into the pharynx.…

Suppurative Lung Disease Like Bronchiectasis

Suppurative lung disease are associated with chronic, wet-sounding cough in...

Sleep Related Disorders

Sleep plays a crucial role in the development of young minds. In addition to having a direct effect on happiness,…

Prematurity Related Respiratory Problems

Long-term respiratory problems in babies who are born premature are generally....

Respiratory Muscle Weakness

Neuromuscular diseases cause weakness of the muscles of your body including the respiratory muscles that...

Congenital Anomalies of the Lung

Congenital means something is present “at birth.” Congenital lung disorders, also known as cystic lung disease...

Childhood Interstitial Lung Diseases (chILD)

Childhood Interstitial Lung Diseases (chILD) are a group of rare lung diseases...

Pleural Effusion & Empyema

The thin lining of the lungs is called pleura and it produces small amount of fluid to lubricate the lungs.…

Childhood Allergies

The concept of atopy (Greek ‘a’ -without and “atopy” -place) was introduced by Arthur Coca and Robert Cooke in 1922.…

Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is an allergic reaction in the nose as a result of exposure to any air-borne or food agent…

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

The stomach contents can sometimes come back into the throat in children or adults and cause throat irritation, cough, sore…