• drc.ritika88@gmail.com
  • +91-9711 338 998
Pediatric and Neonatal Bronchoscopy

What is bronchoscopy?

  • Flexible bronchoscopy involves placing a specialized instrument with a tiny camera at its tip, called a bronchoscope, into the trachea (windpipe) and airways of the lungs.
  • Bronchoscopy helps the doctor to see if the airways are blocked or narrowed, contain abnormal secretions (mucous) or a foreign body, and are in the right position in the lungs.
  • A small amount of saline water may also be flushed into the airways and suctioned out so that this fluid can be tested for bacteria, viruses and other disease-causing agents.
  • The bronchoscopy is videotaped and still pictures are also clicked during the procedure. These pictures are reviewed by the doctor later and then given to the parents.

When does a child need bronchoscopy?

  • Any child with breathing problems where a cause for his problem cannot be determined by other tests may require flexible bronchoscopy to see the airway
  • Doctor may suggest bronchoscopy to collect secretions and send for testing in children who are unable to produce cough for testing
  • Children who have noisy breathing
  • Newborn babies who have breathing problem or noisy breathing
  • Children with probable foreign body aspiration
  • Infants with feeding problems, swallowing difficulty
  • Infants with fast breathing since birth
  • Infants with differently formed lips or oral structures like cleft palate or cleft lip

Will my child be conscious during the procedure?

Child will be given some medications to make him sleepy, relaxed and more comfortable during the test. A pediatric anaesthesia doctor gives these medications so that child does not feel any pain.

What preparations are required for bronchoscopy?

Since this test requires sedation, child should not eat or drink anything for 4 hours prior to the procedure. If the child is on oral medicines, that can be given with a small sip of water. If the child is on inhalers, then that inhaler should be given prior to bronchoscopy.