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Pollution in Delhi and its Health implications in Children

With the increasing pollution in Delhi, we are witnessing an increase in respiratory allergic diseases in children in Pediatric chest clinics. It is crucial to control this alarming rise in allergic disorders namely, pediatric asthma and allergic rhinitis, in young children at this tender developing age.

This is an effort to spread awareness about pollution and its harmful health effects in children with some simple solutions that can make a big difference in controlling the situation.

We unknowingly contribute to spreading pollution by our daily routine activities like dry mopping, car exhaust fumes, burning trash, lighting agarbattis and conducting havans, using mosquito coils etc. By consciously avoiding such practices we can reduce indoor pollution in a big way. Indoor pollution is responsible for majority of allergic manifestations in children.

Dr Ritika Goyal
Consultant, Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergies
MD, DNB Pediatrics
European Diplomate in Pediatric Respiratory Medicine

Fortis Hospital, Shalimar Bagh and Sitaram Bhartia Institute of Science and Research. New Delhi
For more information visit www.ritikagoyal.com

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